Kellie Mencel was involved in two back-to-back accidents leaving her with severe burns. Warning: some graphic images.

In 2009, Kellie Mencel was involved in a serious car accident when she was 17 years old.

In 2009, Kellie Mencel was involved in a serious car accident when she was 17 years old.

Kellie Mencel

She fell asleep while driving her car through the South Australian countryside going 100 kph (roughly 60 mph).

She fell asleep while driving her car through the South Australian countryside going 100 kph (roughly 60 mph).

When she woke up the car was spinning out of control and and then flipped over five times. Kellie ended up unconscious and trapped inside her upside-down car. When she was finally found, she was rushed to hospital.

Kellie Mencel

At the time, I thought this was the worst thing that could have happened to me. I was 17, just about to go into my last year of school, and now I had a fear of driving and getting in a car in general.

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