What happens when you take three hits of 15 vape pens every hour on the hour for 15 hours? Madness.

Chris Ritter and Macey Foronda / BuzzFeed

I been vapin', I been vapin'...

Chris Ritter and Macey Foronda / BuzzFeed

For anyone living with a disapproving relative or spouse, or in a state that still considers cannabis possession a felony, the low-key high provided by a vape pen can be a godsend.

But I'm a grown lady, and I live with a pot-friendly friend in a city that gives no fucks about the skunky smell of burning marijuana wafting out my window. So I rarely vape. As the majority of pot smokers will tell you, vaping provides a junior varsity buzz, especially when it comes to devices that you load with actual buds.

Most marijuana vape pens are like Easy-Bake Ovens. You get one for your birthday and you're dying to have some friends over to show it off. The big day comes, and you push your raw material onto some janky heating element that reeks of the polluted air outside the Chinese factory where it was made. You wait for it to get hot, but soon realize this cheap coil is simply no match for the real thing. Shame! Irritation! Disappointment! Your cookie is a goopy mess of hot dough, and your weed is, at best, lightly toasted.

Hash oil vapes are stronger, and therefore a little easier for potheads like myself to get behind, but then you have to either accept whatever quality of oil comes in the pre-filled cartridges, or deal with the sticky mess of loading your own. Now that I know most hash oil contains pesticides, plant waxes, residual butane, and neurotoxins from the nonbutane contents of lighter fluid, I try to be a bit more discerning about what I let into my body.

But for the sake of science, and in the spirit of optimism, I decided to give a variety of pens a try and share the results. So without further ado, here is an account of the Monday when, for my totally real and professional job, I tried 15 vape pens in 15 hours.

The Pen 15 Challenge, if you will.

Chris Ritter and Macey Foronda / BuzzFeed

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